HYLE 4 (1998), no. 1

HYLE - Bibliographic Section

"Philosophy of Chemistry"

- Recent Publications -

 (update: 30.04.98)

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I. Books 1996ff.

Bensaude-Vincent, B.: 1998, Eloge du mixte. Matériaux nouveaux et philosophie ancienne, Hachette, Paris.

Burbidge, J. W.: 1996, Real Process: How Logic and Chemistry Combine in Hegel's Philosophy of Nature, Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto.

Duncan, A.: 1996, Laws and Order in Eighteenth-Century Chemistry, Clarendon, Oxford.

Hanekamp, G.: 1997, Protochemie. Vom Stoff zur Valenz, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg.

Janich, P.; Psarros, N. (eds.): 1996, Die Sprache der Chemie, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg.

Janich, P.; Rüchardt, C. (eds.): 1996, Natürlich, technisch, chemisch. Verhältnisse zur Natur am Beispiel der Chemie, de Gruyter, Berlin-New York.

Jaschke, B.: 1996, Ideen und Naturwissenschaft: Wechselwirkungen zwischen Chemie und Philosophie am Beispiel des Justus von Liebig und Moriz Carriere (Dissertation), Universität Stuttgart.

Kipnis, A.Y.; Yavelov, B.E.; Rowlinson, J.S.: 1996, Van der Waals and Molecular Science, Clarendon, Oxford.

Mainzer, K.: 1996, Materie. Von der Urmaterie zum Leben, Beck, München.

Mainzer, K.; Müller, A.; Saltzer, W.G. (eds.): 1998, From Simplicity to Complexity: Information, Interaction, and Emergence, Part II, Vieweg, Braunschweig.

Müller, A.; Dress, A.; Vögtle, F. (eds.): 1996, From Simplicity to Complexity in Chemistry - and Beyond, Part I, Vieweg, Braunschweig.

Nye, M. J.: 1996, Before Big Science: The Pursuit of Modern Chemistry and Physics 1800-1940, Twayne, New York.

Psarros, N.; Ruthenberg, K.; Schummer, J. (eds.): 1996, Philosophie der Chemie. Bestandsaufnahme und Ausblick, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg.

Schummer, J.: 1996, Realismus und Chemie. Philosophische Untersuchungen der Wissenschaft von den Stoffen, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg.

Ströker, E.: 1996, Wissenschaftsgeschichtliche und wissenschaftstheoretische Studien zur Chemie, Verlag f. Wiss.- u. Regionalgeschichte.



II. Articles 1997f.

Akeroyd, F. M.: 1997, 'Conceptual Aspects of Theory Appraisal: Some Biochemical Examples', HYLE - International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry, 3, 95-102.

Berger, J.: 1997, 'Chemische Mechanik und Kinetik: Die Bedeutung der mechanischen Wärmetheorie für die Theorie chemischer Reaktionen', Annals of Science, 54, 567-584.

Cerruti, L.: 1998, 'Chemicals as Instruments', HYLE - An International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry, 4, no. 1.

Clericuzio, A.: 1997, 'Alchemical Theories of Matter', Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - Part A, 28, 369-376.

Del Re, G.: 1997, 'Technology and the spirit of alchemy', HYLE - International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry, 3, 51-63.

Francoeur, E.: 1997, 'The Forgotten Tool: The Design and Use of Molecular Models', Social Studies of Science, 27, 7-40.

Gavroglu, K.: 1997, 'Philosophical Issues in the History of Chemistry', Synthese, 111, 283-304.

Gay, H.: 1997, 'The Chemical Philosophy of Theodore W. Richards', Ambix, 44, 19-38.

Hoyningen-Huene, P.: 1998, 'Kuhn and the Chemical Revolution', in: Atti del Convegno Triennale della SILFS, Roma, 3-5 Jan., 1996, Editioni ETS, Pisa, pp. 483-498.

Hunger, K.: 1997, 'Chemistry through Invariant Theory? James Joseph Sylvester's Mathematization of the Atomic Theory', in: Theerman, P.H.; Hunger-Parshall, K. (eds.): Experiencing Nature, Kluwer, Dordrecht.

Janich, P.: 1997, 'Protochemie', in: Kleine Philosophie der Naturwissenschaften, Beck, München, pp. 153-161.

Karpenko, V.: 1998, 'Alchemy as donum dei', HYLE - An International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry, 4, no. 1.

Klein, U.: 1997, 'Nineteenth-Century Chemistry: Its Experiments, Paper-tools, and Epistemological Characteristics', Preprint 56 of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.

Laszlo, P.: 1998, 'Chemical Analysis as Dematerialization', HYLE - International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry, 4, no. 1.

Mainzer, K.: 1997, 'Symmetry and Complexity - Fundamental Concepts of Research in Chemistry', HYLE - International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry, 3, 29-49.

Psarros, N.: 1997, 'Critical Rationalism in the Test Tube?', Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 28, 297-305.

Ramsey, J. L.: 1997, 'Molecular Shape, Reduction, Explanation and Approximate Concepts', Synthese, 111, 233-251.

Rothbart, D.; Scherer, I.: 1997, 'Kant's Critique of Judgment and the Scientific Investigation of Matter', HYLE - An International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry, 3, 65-80.

Scerri, E.R.: 1997, 'Are Chemistry and Philosophy Miscible?', Chemical Intelligencer, 3, 44-46.

Scerri, E.R.: 1997, 'The Periodic Table and the Electron', American Scientist, 85, 546-553.

Scerri, E.R.: 1998, 'Popper's Naturalized Approach to the Reduction of Chemistry', International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 12, 33-44.

Scerri, E.R.; McIntyre, L.: 1997, 'The Case for the Philosophy of Chemistry', Synthese, 111, 213-232.

Scheidecker-Chevalier, M.: 1997, 'L'hypothèse d'Avogadro (1811) et d'Ampère (1814): la distinction atome/molécule et la theorie de la combinaison chimique', Revue D'Histoire des Sciences, 50, 159-194.

Schummer, J.: 1997, 'Scientometric Studies on Chemistry I: The Exponential Growth of Chemical Substances, 1800-1995', Scientometrics, 39, 107-123.

Schummer, J.: 1997, 'Scientometric Studies on Chemistry II: Aims and Methods of Producing New Chemical Substances', Scientometrics, 39, 125-140.

Schummer, J.: 1997, 'Challenging Standard Distinctions between Science and Technology: The Case of Preparative Chemistry', HYLE - An International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry, 3, 81-94.

Schummer, J.: 1997, 'Towards a Philosophy of Chemistry', Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 28, 307-336.

Soentgen, J.: 1997, 'Das sind Stoffe. Chemie: die Wissenschaft von den Stoffen?', Chemie in unserer Zeit, 31, 241-249.

Spellman, L.; Lacey, A.R.: 1997, 'Substance and Separation in Aristotle', Philosophical Quaterly, 47, 536-539.

van Brakel, J.: 1997, 'Chemistry as the Science of the Transformation of Substances', Synthese, 111, 253-282.

Weininger, S.J.: 1998, 'Contemplating the Finger: Visuality and the Semiotics of Chemistry', HYLE - International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry, 4, no. 1.