The Structure of Chemistry
In Relation to the Philosophy of Science*
Edward F. Caldin
Biographical Preface by Maurice Crosland
Edward Francis Caldin (1914 – 1999) was educated at Wimbledon
College and St. Paul’s School, London, where he won a scholarship to Queen’s
College Oxford, and graduated successively as B.A. and D.Phil. From 1941
to 1945 he worked in the Arnaments Research Department of the Ministry
of Supply in South Wales, where he incidentally met his future wife, Mary.
He was appointed as a lecturer in chemistry at the University of Leeds
in 1945 before finally moving on to the new University of Kent at Canterbury
in 1965, where he was successively Reader and Professor of physical chemistry.
He was the author of numerous papers and a book on thermodynamics. His
special research interest was reflected in his book: Fast Reactions
in Solution (1964). He devoted his final years in retirement
to bringing the subject up to date: The Mechanisms of Fast Reactions
in Solution (Ios, Amsterdam, 2001).
Ted was well known for his wide interests, and prominent among these
were philosophy of science and science and religion. As a professional
chemist he felt that the philosophy of science should not always be written
from the point of view of the physicist. The first part of The Structure
of Chemistry illustrates that much of his approach to the philosophy
of science was based on a more than superficial knowledge of the history
of science. As a university teacher, Ted believed that students should
appreciate the wider aspects of their subject, such as the status of scientific
theories. His support for the view that students should be exposed to a
little history and philosophy of science was sometimes opposed by his university
colleagues, who argued that this would steal time which could be devoted
more usefully to cramming them with more chemical information.
As a Christian and a Roman Catholic, Ted saw science and religion as
having complementary views of the world. He insisted on the rational nature
of Christianity and, in his book The Power and Limits of Science (1949),
argued that science could not provide the answer to the whole of human
experience. At the University of Kent in his later years he was the prime
mover in establishing an interdisciplinary Science Studies Group, which
met on a regular basis and brought together academics from the different
Faculties for a talk and discussion, followed by dinner, meetings which,
alas, are no more.
Maurice Crosland, University of Kent |
1. Scientific Method and the Structure of Chemistry
The aim of this essay is twofold: to describe the logical structure of
modern chemistry as it appears to a practising physical chemist, and to
suggest points of contact with some contemporary accounts of scientific
method. The first of these tasks is an essential preliminary to the second.
It is possible, by considering only selected aspects of natural science,
to reach generalizations about scientific method which are quite unreliable.
Before we try to characterize science, we must know what scientists do
and what sort of conclusions they reach. We cannot lay down the methods
of science a priori. What Francis Bacon said of our knowledge of
nature is also true of our account of science: "We must prepare a natural
and experimental history, sufficient and good; and this is the foundation
of all." It seems worth while, therefore, to consider the various phases
and aspects of one branch of science. Selection cannot, of course, be avoided;
we can only try to see that what we select is truly representative and
not unduly exclusive. We shall find that chemistry presents some special
features which have perhaps received less attention than they deserve.
As a preliminary indication of its place on the map of knowledge, chemistry
may be characterized as a natural science, a physical science, and an experimental
science. The expression ‘natural science’ marks off the kind of question
asked in chemistry from those asked in philosophy. The term ‘physical sciences’
here denotes those sciences which deal with inanimate matter and use measurement
as their fundamental tool. Some of these are mainly observational, as for
instance geology and astronomy, and so differ somewhat in their procedure
from the experimental sciences. The experimental physical sciences are
physics and chemistry. Although these sciences have traditionally been
distinguished, for historical and accidental reasons, it is hard to see
that there is any fundamental difference between them. There is certainly
a difference of emphasis, in that most chemists are on the whole more interested
in phenomena that depend on the specific properties of particular kinds
of material. But in method, type of evidence, and type of conclusion there
is no fundamental difference. Indeed, there are already wide borderlands
known as physical chemistry and chemical physics. Chemistry is a quantitative
science, based on measurement; it shares with physics both the analytical
power and the limitations of the metrical approach.
There is no need to emphasize here the limitations of a science concerned
with the measurable properties of material objects. Naturally, if we confine
ourselves to measurements as evidence, we can only reach the conclusions
they are capable of yielding, namely, laws describing phenomena and theoretical
equations or models to explain them.[1] On the other
hand, it is important to appreciate the advantages of the metrical approach,
which has turned out to be the key to questions of the kind asked in the
physical sciences. Before modern chemistry was developed, the alchemists
were adepts at the observation of qualitative changes during chemical reactions
– changes of colour, clarity, volatility, and so on – but there was little
progress in the theory of chemical change until the quantitative use of
the balance was recognized as decisive. The approach by measurement has
been the successful one and it is now permanently built into chemistry.
2. Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
The fundamental concepts of chemistry, as it has developed since the middle
of the eighteenth century, are the following: (i) pure substances, (ii)
elements and compounds, (iii) molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles,
and (iv) energy. Between them these notions suggest the structure of modern
chemistry. They are also milestones in its history.
2.1 Pure Substances
The materials that are most familiar in daily life are variable in their
properties: wood, textiles, food, living things, even water and air. Few,
if any, pure materials were known in antiquity; even metals such as silver
and gold varied in properties according to the impurities they contained.
In Aristotelean theory there could be an infinite variety of properties,
depending on the balance of the four roots or elements – fire, air, earth
and water. Experience ultimately showed, however, that from everyday materials
there could be extracted what the chemist calls pure substances, which
are homogeneous, and have reproducible properties. This notion is fundamental
to scientific chemistry,[2] and we shall see that it
gives rise to empirical laws of an important kind. It seems to have become
clear by the middle of the eighteenth century, and its applications became
more extensive with the development of quantitative analysis.[3]
It was further established for many substances by the analyses of Proust
(1800 to 1808), made in reply to Berthollet’s contention that chemical
composition was variable.[4] But it was taken for granted
before this date, by Lavoisier, for example, and was a presupposition of
his work on the distinction between elements and compounds.
2.2 Elements and Compounds
The idea that some chemical changes are decompositions, others syntheses,
others substitutions, and so on, is an old one, and experience with chemical
reactions led to the distinction of pure substances into two classes: compounds,
which could apparently be decomposed into two or more different substances,
and elements, which there was no reason to think had undergone decomposition
in any known reaction. Lavoisier’s ‘révolution chimique’, which
initiated modern chemistry,[5] consisted in reclassifying
important types of reaction and pure substances in this way. The calcination
of metals, for example, which had been regarded as a dissociation into
calx plus phlogiston, is now classified as a combination of metal with
oxygen. Except that Lavoisier supposed that the elements are normally combined
with an element he called ‘caloric’ and by which he explained the thermal
changes in reactions, his classification, in the main, still stands. It
will appear, however, that it does not consist of empirical laws, or simple
generalizations of the data, but constitutes a set of theoretical hypotheses.
It is independent of, and was not at first associated with, the theory
of atoms and molecules, by which it came to be interpreted.
2.3 Molecules, Atoms and Subatomic Particles
The classification of pure substances into elements and compounds, and
the corresponding classification of chemical reactions, was interpreted
by Dalton in terms of his theory of atoms and molecules.[6]
According to this theory, elements are composed of single atoms which are
all alike and are distinguished from those of other elements by having
a characteristic mass; while compounds are composed each of molecules of
a characteristic type consisting of certain atoms linked together. The
theory explained the laws of chemical combination,[7]
and enabled chemical reactions to be compactly represented. There were,
however, uncertainties about the relative numbers of atoms in molecules,
which led to uncertainties about atomic weights; these were not removed
until it became recognized, after the Karlsruhe Conference in 1860, that
atoms may be linked in elements also, as in the diatomic molecule of oxygen.
The idea that atoms might occupy definite spatial positions in the molecule
appears to have made little headway until it was given a simple form in
1874 by van’t Hoff and Le Bel, and shown to be relevant to problems of
isomerism. Thereafter organic chemistry made great use of three-dimensional
pictures of molecules.
These hypotheses were uniformly confirmed when the more direct methods
of investigation by diffraction of X-rays, electrons and neutrons, and
by spectroscopy, were developed in the twentieth century. For simple molecules,
detailed models specifying the positions and sizes of the atoms, and their
motions, can now be constructed. These enable us to visualize chemical
compounds and their reactions in some detail, and constitute a very powerful
body of theory. Meanwhile, physical chemists since the 1880s have also
built up a theory of electrolyte solutions in terms of ions – charged particles
of molecular dimensions – by means of which the conductivity and other
properties of these solutions can be quantitatively interpreted.
More direct evidence that matter can be broken down into small discrete
units of definite types is provided by experiments which detect single
particles, such as those which use scintillating screens, Geiger counters,
cloud-chambers, bubble-chamber and photographic emulsions. The successful
interpretation by Perrin, in 1909, of the Brownian movement in terms of
random molecular motion, and the derivation from this and other experiments
of consistent values for the number of molecules in a given amount of material,
point in the same direction.
The mode of linkage of atoms aroused speculations from the earliest
days of the theory. Berzelius, for example, thought it might be an attraction
between opposite charges.[8] Rutherford’s picture of
the atom (1912), as a nucleus surrounded by planetary electrons, led to
the view that atoms might become linked either by exchanging an electron
or by sharing a pair of electrons. By the time that Bohr and Sommerfeld
had developed the theory of electronic orbits to account for spectra, with
the aid of the old quantum theory, the electronic explanation of chemical
affinity had reached and advanced stage.[9] With the
advent of wave-mechanics in 1926, the theory had to be recast; it is still
in active development.[10]
The atomic theory came rapidly into use, but sceptical comments were
heard throughout the nineteenth century.[11] At first
these were due to the difficulty mentioned above about such molecules as
O2 and the consequent uncertainties about atomic weights. When
the Royal Society awarded a medal to Dalton in 1826, it was for his work
on combining weights, which the President (Sir Humphrey Davy) was at pains
to distinguish from the atomic hypothesis. In mid-century the scepticism
seems to have been influenced by the positivistic teaching of Comte in
Paris, and later by Mach. A lecture by Williamson to the Chemical Society
of London in 1869 aroused considerable criticism because he was thought
to have presented the theory not as a hypothesis but as a fact. The notion
that the atoms in a molecule might be in a definite spatial pattern was
received with derision by some competent chemists, among whom was Kolbe.[12]
Around the turn of the century, Ostwald was arguing that though chemistry
needed the atomic theory, its truth could not be proved. The adaptability
of the theory made it invaluable in exposition, but its appeal to unperceivable
entities was distasteful. We have to remember that until late in the nineteenth
century there were no phenomena attributable to single molecules. But after
the interpretation of the Brownian movement in terms of the motion of individual
molecules, and the observation of effects attributable to single atoms
as in the spinthariscope, scepticism about the theory seemed to have ceased.
It would seem to be impossible now to formulate chemical theory without
appealing to atoms, their electronic structures, and their spatial arrangements
in molecules.
2.4 Energy and Related Functions
The interconvertibility of heat and mechanical work was studied form various
angles in the first half of the nineteenth century. The definition of energy
became explicit around 1850,[13] along with the first
and second laws of thermodynamics. Entropy, a thermodynamic function connected
with the direction of natural changes, was defined in 1865, and later certain
derived functions such as free energy.
The energy of a system in the course of a given change in its state
depends on the heat absorbed, the work done, and the material gained or
lost by the system. Energy is a mathematical function related to these
quantities, which are in turn related to observable quantities. The justification
for the definition of energy as a thermodynamic function is to be found
partly in the direct experimental evidence for the interconversion of heat
and work, and partly in the experimental verification of its consequences.
Work and heat are often called ‘forms of energy’, but we should beware
of thinking of them as if they were the same ‘stuff’ in different forms,
or as if energy were some kind of fluid. Energy is simply a mathematical
function, defined in terms of quantities that can be experimentally determined.[14]
Chemistry gained greatly from the application to pure substances of
the notions of energy and entropy. The idea of ‘chemical affinity’, for
example, could now be put on a quantitative basis, in terms of free energy
and equilibrium constants. Chemical thermodynamics today consists of a
rigorous mathematical scheme deduced from the first and second laws of
thermodynamics, together with a vast mass of experimental data allowing
the application of this scheme to actual phenomena. The degree of systematization
achieved is very remarkable. All this, it may be noted, is quite independent
of the atomic theory.
The application of similar ideas to the molecular picture was equally
fruitful. The first adequate kinetic theory of gases was published by Clausius
in 1857, and later developed by Clerk Maxwell and others; it accounts successfully
for many of the physical properties of gases. Chemical properties have
been handled by statistical mechanics, which relates them to the properties
of individual molecules.[15] It is possible in simple
cases to calculate equilibrium constants, for example, from the detailed
molecular models that result from current structural investigations. This
development has given the molecular picture a striking power of quantitative
explanation, and thereby strengthened the evidence for it. Finally, the
application of quantum mechanics to the detailed structure of molecules
has led to theories of valence which, though their development requires
complex mathematics, are beginning to explain chemical affinity.[16]
3. Laws in Chemistry
In the physical sciences we seek laws which describe phenomena, and theories
which unify the laws. Empirical laws state correlations or regularities.
Two factors, A and B, may be said to be correlated if they are found always
together, never separately, and (when they are variable) if variation of
one is always associated with variation of the other. To put it briefly,
correlation is defined by co-presence, co-absence, and co-variation of
In chemistry there are two different types of empirical law, based directly
on the experimental data:
(a) Functional relations between variable properties of a given system;
for instance, the relation between the temperature and volume of a gas
at constant pressure, or between specific heat and temperature, or between
the rate of a reaction and the temperature. Correlations of this type,
concerned with co-variance, are the constant preoccupation of physical
chemists, and increasingly of organic and inorganic chemists also. Some
of these functional relations state the properties of pure substances (for
instance the specific heat curve of a substance as a function of temperature);
others are concerned with rates and equilibria in physical or chemical
(b) Laws stating that there are kinds of material, with reproducible
properties, such as hydrogen, sulphuric acid, or common salts. The evidence
is that the chemist’s ‘pure substances’ exhibit a constant association
of characteristics, which are correlated, each with the others, in the
sense defined above. Thus hydrogen has (under given conditions) always
the same boiling-point, density, spectrum, and chemical properties. The
whole of chemistry depends on our being able to isolate pure substances
with reproducible properties. This fact, incidentally, refutes the claim,
sometimes heard, that the physical sciences seek functional relations only,
never definitions of ‘natural kinds’ as in biological classification.
Such laws are always subject to correction; they do not attain certainty.
It is always possible that some relevant factor has been overlooked. Thus,
the melting-point of ice would once have been expressed simply as 0°
Centigrade; but investigation showed that pressure has an appreciable effect
on it, so that in an exact account of ice we must now state its melting-point
as a function of pressure. Again, ordinary hydrogen was thought until 1931
to be a pure substance, but is now recognized to contain a little deuterium,
which can be isolated and has markedly different physical properties. Empirical
laws are continually being improved and made more accurate, more specific,
and more precise. In retrospect these improvements can be attributed to
the results of tests of the law under diverse circumstances.[18]
The corresponding experimental rule, used by every chemist when he has
to proceed purely empirically, is ‘vary one factor at a time’. But this
is not the whole, or even the half, of scientific method; for the art lies
in guessing which factors are relevant. (This was the element missing from
Bacon’s account of scientific method.)
‘Second-order’ empirical generalizations also find a place in chemistry.
The Periodic Table, for instance, embodies a great many of these regularities,
such as the resemblances between the halogens, and the gradations in their
properties. Other examples are the general rule that gases have similar
properties at temperatures proportional to their critical temperatures
(the ‘law of corresponding states’), and the rule that salts which are
comparatively involatile are also comparatively insoluble in organic solvents.
Many such rules about chemical reactivity are used in the synthesis of
new organic compounds. ‘Second-order’ laws such as these are naturally
more subject to exceptions and corrections than laws derived directly from
experiment. They have played an important part in the construction of theories;
the Periodic Table, for instance, was of great help in assigning electronic
structures to the elements.
3.1 The Problem of Induction
It is remarkable that no-one has explained the confidence that we have
in an accepted empirical law. If we try to deduce the law from observations,
we find that we cannot; we have only a limited number of observations,
and from a finite number of singular statements no universal statement
can be deduced; we cannot pass by strict logical deduction from ‘some’
to ‘all’. This leads to the classical problem of induction, on which a
vast amount of thought has been expended.[19] We could
make the deduction only if we knew (a) that we had investigated all the
relevant factors and (b) that there is some law which relates these factors.[20]
The first of these points can never be established, and we must be resigned
to the possibility that any law may have to be corrected. The second is
the presupposition of the uniformity of nature, which all scientists assume.
It is not clear how this could be formally established.
Many attempts have been made to solve, or to dissolve, the problem of
induction. Some have attacked it with the aid of the theory of probability,
but without success;[21] our confidence in scientific
laws cannot be given a numerical measure, unlike our expectation of life
or our hopes at roulette, to which the calculus of probability properly
applies. Others have tried to by-pass the difficulty, by saying that scientists
do not make categorical general statements, but only postulate and test
hypotheses (Sect. 4.3); however, these hypotheses are certainly meant to
be of general application, and the same difficulty arises as before. Others,
more radical, argue that scientists should not make general statements
at all, but only tell us to expect certain results in certain circumstances;
but this does not explain the scientist’s confidence in the general statements
which he undoubtedly makes. The whole problem is still open and seems to
call for a new approach.
It seems clear that we cannot refute the objections of a sceptic who
will accept science only if he can reduce it to deduction; we can only
hope to show him that his demands are unreasonable. But it remains open
whether we should regard scientific reasoning as sui generis and
in some way self-evidently reasonable, and reject attempts to relate it
to other forms of reasoning; or whether it would be profitable to consider
it in relation to a broader investigation of interpretation as a
mode of passing from evidence to conclusion. Understanding by interpretation
of signs is certainly commoner than deduction in our commonsense knowledge,
such as that by which we recognize friends, judge weather prospects, or
predict the outcome of a lawsuit or a public debate; it is prominent also
in legal procedure, in historical investigation, and indeed in most fields
of enquiry.[22] It is also concerned in the construction
of scientific theories, to which we now turn.
4. Theories in Chemistry
Controversy is in progress on almost every aspect of theories – their place
in the system of scientific conclusions, their role in scientific procedure,
their status as explanations, and their relation to nature. Some of these
questions will be answered differently according to the philosophical background
that one brings to the interpretation of science; thus positivists, Kantians
and realists will give different answers.[23] But certain
of the problems depend on reporting accurately what goes on in the development
of science, and so come within the field of the scientific practitioner.
It happens that chemistry can contribute important correctives to certain
current views.
4.1 Theories and the System of Science
The question here is the role of theories in the scientific scheme, by
which is meant the conclusions of science rather than its procedure. What
is the relation of theories to empirical laws? It is probably agreed that
theories are hypotheses from which may be deduced statements that are compared
with a set of empirical laws; if they are found to agree, the theory is
in some sense supported, and may be used to predict new laws. But is a
theory simply a compact re-statement of the laws it covers, or something
more? If something more, does it explain the laws? And if so, in what sense?
Scientists influenced by positivism have often held that theories express
nothing that was not in the laws, and therefore do not explain. Pierre
Duhem, for example, held with Mach that the aim of theory is intellectual
economy. "A physical theory is not an explanation. It is a system of mathematical
propositions, deduced from a small number of principles, which aim to represent
as simply, as completely, and as exactly as possible a set of experimental
laws."[24] The same notion is perhaps implicit in contemporary
comparisons of a theory to a map; for a map is a guide to the physical
features of a landscape but does not explain them.
If a theory were to do no more than represent laws in a compact form,
it would be deducible from the laws by strict formal logic. It would therefore
contain no terms that are not to be found in the laws (or else derivable
from them by a formal definition, such as that of the term ‘energy’ as
it occurs in the law of conservation of energy). This may be the case for
certain abstract mathematical treatments of physical phenomena, such as
Fourier’s theory of heat, or Ampère’s of electrodynamics; probably
it was theories of this type that Duhem had in mind. But the case is otherwise
for the theories that we have noted as typical of chemistry. This is particularly
obvious for the atomic-molecular theory. Dalton did not deduce his theory
from the laws of chemical composition, nor could it have been so deduced,
for it makes statements about entities that are too small to be perceived,[25]
and so contains terms that cannot even in principle be deduced from the
laws that are taken to support it. In fact Dalton invented the theory
with the aid of his imagination, as an interpretation of certain observations,
and adjusted it until a variety of its consequences agreed with known laws.
The theory is a construction, not a deduction. It goes beyond representing
the laws; it interprets them.
The example of atomic theory seems to be decisive, since every chemist
today would regard it as indispensable, for the reasons given earlier.
Duhem, writing before the developments of the last half-century, regarded
such models as mere crutches for the imagination, or (to change the metaphor)
as so much scaffolding which could be discarded once it had given access
to the correct abstract relations. But even in Duhem’s time there was a
theory, essential to chemistry, which did not fit his criterion, namely
the classification of pure substances into elements and compounds (see
Sect. 2.2). This was not a mere re-statement of the laws describing the
substances formed in chemical reactions between given reagents. It was
not forced upon chemists as a deduction from these laws; it was an interpretation
of them by a set of hypotheses, stating which substances are elements and
which are compounds. These hypotheses were supported by the facts inasmuch
as they led to a self-consistent account of chemical changes. We are so
convinced of the truth of the resulting classification, and so accustomed
to speaking of reactions as ‘decompositions’, ‘substitutions’ and so forth,
that we tend to forget that these are not simply empirical descriptions,
but depend on additional hypotheses. This is easier to realize when we
remember that Lavoisier’s theory had to meet an alternative classification
provided by the phlogiston theory, which, after Cavendish had revised it,
was a respectable hypothesis and could account plausibly for the chemical
facts then known.[26] Again, when Davy prepared sodium
from caustic soda by electrolysis, he supposed that the reaction was a
decomposition of the caustic soda; but Dalton, remarking that water was
present and would produce hydrogen, preferred to regard caustic soda as
an element and sodium as a hydride.[27] It is clear
that the classification of these reactions is hypothetical.
The question of the explanatory function of theories arises here, as
the quotation from Duhem shows. If a theory were simply a compact re-statement
of laws, it could not be said to explain or interpret them. It would be
simply an instrument or convenient calculating device for making correct
predictions, as, for instance, astronomers may use the laws of planetary
motion to predict eclipses.[28] This is the role assigned
to theory by a variety of views which may be called ‘reductionist’, since
they seek to reduce theories to re-statements of observations. An example
is the operationalist view, which would reduce the meaning of theoretical
concepts to the operations that have to be performed in testing the theory.[29]
This view can give a good account of measurement,[30]
but it breaks down when applied to chemical theory, for the meaning of
terms such as ‘atom’ is not defined by the operations that yield the experimental
results on which we base the theory. Nor are theories used in chemistry
solely as instruments. They may be so used in the synthesis of new compounds,
or to predict the factors that will be relevant in some new field, such
as radiation chemistry. But in most chemical activities theories are of
interest because they offer explanations of observations that would otherwise
be puzzling. They are developed to help us understand the phenomena, not
merely to describe them. The use of molecular models is a particularly
clear indication of this role of theory.
In what sense do theories ‘explain’? It seems now to be generally assumed
by logicians that theories explain laws in the sense that the laws can
be deduced from them.[31] Explanation in this sense
means that the complex is reduced to the simple; the number of unrelated
concepts is reduced. But most chemists are more satisfied with a molecular
model that can be visualized than with a formal mathematical scheme, although
the same conclusions may be deducible from both. They are mostly happier
with a model that can be drawn on paper, or constructed of balls and springs,
than with molecular-orbital calculations, although they know that the structure
of benzene (for example) can be correctly deduced from the molecular orbitals.
Does this perhaps mean that explanation, as N.R. Campbell suggested,[32]
requires that an analogy be drawn between the system and some more familiar
system whose laws are already known? The kinetic theory of gases is a case
in point; the unfamiliar laws describing the behaviour of gases are explained,
says Campbell, by relating them to motion, which is very familiar. Similarly,
the unfamiliar laws of chemistry might be said to be explained by the analogy
with familiar mechanical models.
But this account is plausible only so long as the models are mechanical.
The modern model of a molecule does not follow the laws of macroscopic
mechanics; energy is gained or lost only in quanta, and the atoms cannot
even be assigned a precise position or velocity. When pressed, we know
that simple mechanical models do not fit the observations. Moreover the
common use of the Schrödinger equation shows that formal mathematics
may replace the imaginative manipulations of a mechanical model.[33]
Explanation, it seems, does not depend on familiarity; indeed, it is truer
to say that the known is explained by the unknown, inasmuch as the known
is complex whereas the unknown postulated by our theories is simpler.[34]
Models are explanations inasmuch as they embody, so to speak, the correct
equations. Our feeling of greater ease with models that we can draw on
a scrap of paper must, it seems, be concerned not with the explanatory
power of the theory, but with its other great attribute: its applicability.
A ‘good’ theory is one that can be manipulated and applied easily to new
situations; this is what determines its contribution to the extension of
a science. The atomic-molecular theory, with the exact yet flexible notation
developed for it, is exceptionally widely applicable and in consequence
exceptionally fertile.
4.2 Theoretical Models and their Relations to Nature
The question here is how far we are to regard atoms, molecules and other
theoretical models as really existing. Scepticism about these models (cf.
Sect. 4.2) has been of two kinds, according as theories have been regarded
as ‘instrumental’ or ‘conjectural’, to use Popper’s terms.[35]
On any of the instrumental views put forward by positivists (Sect. 4.1),
such models are to be regarded simply as convenient fictions, like the
lines of force in electromagnetic theory; it would not be meaningful to
ask whether they are true or false. We have seen reason to reject views
of this kind. On the other type of view, theories are conjectures, attempts
to formulate true statements about nature, by interpreting the evidence
presented by natural phenomena; and it is meaningful to ask whether they
are true or false. They are no doubt in need of correction and improvement,
but they constitute approximations, in some sense which remains to be defined.
We must first clarify the use of the word ‘model’ as applied to atoms
and molecules. In one sense it may be used to denote a material object
such as a construction made from balls and springs, of appropriate size,
to represent the structure of a crystal or a molecule; with enough trouble,
such a model could be made flexible to show the motion of the atoms in
the molecule. But we know that molecules cannot be represented simply as
small-scale versions of macroscopic objects; molecular motions follow quantum
mechanics rather than classical, atoms cannot be assigned a precise location,
and so on. In another sense, then, the word ‘model’ may mean our imaginative
picture of the molecule or atom, in which the material object is supposed
to be modified in the ways required by quantum theory; the word ‘model’
then refers to a description, an entity that is merely imagined and described,
rather than to one which is perceivable. In a third sense, the word is
sometimes used to denote the system of mathematical equations which may
be used to give exactness to this description – the wave-equation for a
hydrogen atom, for example. This mathematical structure has a life of its
own, so to speak, and can be made to explain and predict just as the imaginable
model can. It is not so amenable to the imagination, but it still constitutes
a description. In what follows, we consider models in the sense of descriptions;
that is, we exclude the first sense mentioned above, since material models
are not to be taken quite literally.
The question is, then, what can be said of the status of our models
as descriptions of real systems of nature. To regard them as exact
descriptions would seem implausible on the face of it, since new evidence
constantly leads us to modify and improve our theories, so that at a given
time we can hardly suppose them to be complete. A pointer in the same direction
is the fact that widely different models are sometimes found to be associated
with the same equation. An interesting example is cited by Sir Edmund Whittaker:[36]
"The vibrations of a membrane which has the shape of an ellipse can be
calculated by means of a differential equation known as Mathieu’s equation:
but this same equation is also arrived at when we study the dynamics of
a circus performer, who holds an assistant balanced on a pole while he
himself stands on a spherical ball rolling on the ground. If now we imagine
an observer who discovers that the future course of a certain phenomenon
can be predicted by Mathieu’s equation, but who is unable for some reason
to perceive the system which generates the phenomenon, then evidently he
would be unable to tell whether the system in question is an elliptic membrane
or a variety artiste." This lack of a unique relation between model and
equation suggests that the model is not necessarily an exact description
of the real system whose behaviour it simulates.
This impression is confirmed when we find that the behaviour of a given
system may require different models according to circumstances. The fact
that a beam of light may be treated by a particle-model in one experiment
and a wave-model in another, according to the system with which it is interacting,
indicates that neither model is an exact description of the light-beam.
It suggests that only some, not all, of the characteristics of the models
are the same as or similar to those of the reality. The light-beam has
some characteristics in common with a wave travelling down a stretched
string, and other characteristics in common with a projectile, but does
not share all its characteristics with either. In other words, the models
are analogues of the real system. (Two things are said to be analogous,
in the terminology of modern logic, if they have some, but not all, characteristics
in common.) Whether they agree in other respects is not known; we can only
adjust the model in accordance with our evidence, and that evidence is
always incomplete.[37]
This view of models as providing analogies is confirmed if we reflect
on their logical status, revealed by the way in which they are related
to the observational evidence which supports them. A successful model for
a given physical system is one that leads to equations that agree with
the empirical laws derived from observation. But this agreement does not
imply that the system is exactly like the model; only that it is like it
in some respects. And this is the definition of an analogue. This conclusion
might indeed have been reached on methodological grounds alone, without
appeal to the physical experience summarized above. Models, then are not
to be taken as exact descriptions of reality on the one hand, nor as sheer
fictions on the other; they are best regarded as providing analogies.
This conclusion is extremely useful in dealing with a variety of pseudo-problems.
One such was produced by a misunderstanding of the fact that the behaviour
of light requires two analogies, the wave and the particle, according to
the type of the experiment performed. It was supposed by some that science
had led to two incompatible views about the nature of light; naturally,
this caused considerably perplexity. The puzzle vanishes if we remember
that the wave and the particle model should not be taken as exact descriptions
of a beam of light, but as analogies for its behaviour, and that the use
of different analogies for its behaviour in different circumstances is
quite legitimate. Similarly if we regard the ‘luminiferous ether’ as an
analogy, we are no longer puzzled by the fact that it has some of the properties
of a material medium (inasmuch as it transmits waves), but not all of them,
as was shown by the Michelson-Morley experiment.
We can now consider an answer to the question whether atoms exist. If
this means ‘Does anything exist corresponding exactly to the description
of an atom given by modern theory?’ the answer is ‘Probably not’. But it
is important to add that something analogous to the modern model
exists. We do not know how close the analogy is; in relation to present
knowledge it seems pretty close, but future discoveries may show that it
is as incomplete as the particle theory of light. We can, however, claim
that the analogy is improved in the light of new evidence. The contemporary
model is a closer analogue than Bohr’s, as Bohr’s was closer than Dalton’s,
and Dalton’s than Boyle’s. And this is all we can say, given the essential
incompleteness of scientific evidence.
4.3 Theories and the Development of Science
Science advances by a combination of observation and theorizing. The relation
between the two, which characterizes the dialectic of the growth of science,
is of perennial interest. The view now commonly heard is that the procedure
of science is hypothetico-deductive. The scientist, it is said, postulates
a hypothesis, deduces its consequences for a particular case, and verifies
or falsifies it by comparing these predictions with observation. The role
of observation is not to lead to a hypothesis but to test it. Thus Dr.
J.O. Wisdom: "The role of observations, selected in the light of our hypotheses,
is changed; instead of leading to a hypothesis, their function is to test
it, and the only way of continuing scientific activity is by means of the
hypothetico-deductive system."[38]
As far as laws are concerned, this account is certainly an improvement
on the naïve Baconian view, according to which we make observations
at random and then extract what generalizations we can. As applied to theoretical
hypotheses, the account lays stress on an essential feature of a developed
science, namely, the role of theory in prediction as well as in explanation.
It is certainly true that observations are often undertaken to test some
theoretical hypothesis. But as applied to theories this view must be carefully
handled; for it would not be true to say that chemists always, or even
habitually, set out to test detailed molecular models.[39]
Let us briefly examine this assertion.
In the first place, much experimental work is done without the help
of a detailed predictive theory. Before a theory of any phenomenon is formulated,
there must be some body of observations, which were generally made simply
because the phenomenon in question lent itself to experimental investigation
and seemed likely to be of practical or theoretical interest. Such observations,
when first made, constituted a challenge to theorizers, rather than a test
of any existing theory. The predictive role of theory can be over-stated.
Scientists have an itch to find things out, as well as to explain; they
know that new phenomena may greatly increase their understanding of nature,
by throwing up puzzling facts which lead to advances in theory.[40]
This is particularly obvious when a new technique is discovered, such as
polarography, or chromatography, or isotope exchange; it is tried out in
all directions, to see what will happen, just as Galileo tried out his
new telescope. The more empirical type of investigation must not be forgotten
in an account of scientific method.
In most fields of physico-chemical research, however, neither theory
nor experiment has matters all its own way. The typical procedure lies,
so to speak, between the empirical and the hypothetico-deductive. It is
concerned to give quantitative detail to a theory – to make it exact. Chemists
usually have a molecular picture in mind, but often it is not capable of
giving an exact prediction, either because it is not specific enough or
because the calculation would be too complex. The observations are undertaken
to define the model more precisely. The choice of experiment is usually
dependent upon a hypothesis of some sort, otherwise chemistry would not
be systematic; but the hypothesis is usually a much vaguer affair than
the molecular model – it is a guess about some new application of the model,
or some improvement to it.
This is a common situation when measurements are made in chemistry,
that is to say, in most fields of research other than preparative and synthetic
chemistry. For example, in investigations of molecular structure by spectroscopic
or diffraction methods, we presuppose the chemical composition of the system,
and the number and kinds of atoms composing the molecule, and our experiments
allow us to fill in the quantitative detail about the interatomic distances,
angles and forces. In thermodynamic and kinetic investigations, similarly,
measurements may be used to improve the molecular picture. Measurements
of the conductivities of solutions, for example, throw light on the behaviour
of ions; measurements of the rates of reactions throw light on their mechanisms.
In such experiments we are not testing the model, which is taken for granted;
we are trying to make it more precise. Experiment does not wait upon theoretical
prediction; it supplies new information on its own account.
Chemistry is a developed science, with a powerful body of theory, but
it is a science in which theory is closely dependent upon experiment for
its advance. The methodology of this phase of science has been strangely
neglected. Logicians seem to have swung from a preoccupation with Mill’s
methods of induction to an obsession with the testing of theories; from
the procedure of naturalists and social scientists to that of mathematical
physicists. It is time that some intermediate – and more typical – kinds
of investigation were considered.
5. Conclusion
From this brief account it appears that consideration of the structure
and procedure of chemistry could contribute to the discussion of scientific
method at the following five points: the nature of scientific generalizations;
the distinction between theories and laws; the question whether theories
are explanatory as well as instrumental; the status of theoretical entities
such as atoms; and the question of the use of new observations in relation
to theories.
Relevant material abounds in the history and current practice of chemistry;
but it is seldom quoted in discussions on scientific method. The philosophy
of science, like science itself, must advance by trying out its theories
to see if they fit the facts, and amending them if they do not. This can
only be done if the facts are correctly reported. The implications for
contact between philosopher and scientist are obvious.
[*] First published under the same title by Sheed
& Ward, London and New York, 1961; reproduced with permission by Hugh
Caldin and Continuum International.
[1] E.F. Caldin, The Power and Limits of Science,
London, 1949, chs. 2 and 3.
[2] I. Freund, The Study of Chemical Composition,
Cambridge, 1904.
[3] See F. Sherwood Taylor, A History of Industrial
Chemistry, London, 1957, pt. 1; Partington, A Short History of Chemistry,
London, 1948, pp. 153 ff.; R. Hoykaas, in Centaurus, 5 (1948),
pp. 307-22.
[4] Freund, Study of Chemical Composition.
In recent years many examples of non-stoichiometric compounds have been
discovered, in which the composition is variable although the binding is
‘chemical’. Iron oxide is one common example. But since the properties
of such substances can be related to the composition, they do not seem
to be in principle any more anomalous than solutions or alloys. For a survey
see Emeleus and Anderson, Modern Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry,
London, 1952, ch. 13; or R.M. Barrer, "Quelques problèmes de la
chimie minérale", Tenth Solvay Conference Proceedings, 1956,
pp. 21-68 (in English).
[5] (a) Lavoisier, Elements of Chemistry,
tr. Kerr, Edinburgh, 1790; (b) J.C. Gregory, Combustion from Heracleitos
to Lavoisier, London, 1931.
[6] (a) Dalton, A New System of Chemical Philosophy,
Manchester, 1808-27; extracts in (b) Alembic Club Reprints, no. 2 (Edinburgh,
1899) and (c) Leicester and Klickstein, A Source Book on Chemistry,
New York, 1952, pp. 208-20. For the origins of the theory of Dalton’s physical
work on mixed gases, see (d) Roscoe and Harden, A New View of Daltons’s
Atomic Theory, London, 1896, or L.K. Nash in Harvard Case Histories
in Experimental Science, Cambridge, Mass., 1957, p. 108. For a general
survey of atomic theory see (e) J.C. Gregory, A Short History of Atomism,
London, 1931.
[7] Freund, Study of Chemical Composition.
[8] Cf. Leicester and Klickstein, Source
Book, pp. 259 ff., and Gregory, Short History, ch. 12. This
was one reason why the notion of molecules containing two like atoms, such
as O2, seemed unsatisfactory.
[9] Recorded in N.V. Sidgwick’s Electronic
Theory of Valence, Oxford, 1927.
[10] See for example Coulson, Valence,
Oxford, 1952.
[11] Gregory, Short History.
[12] Farrer and Farrer, in Proc. Chem. Soc.,
1959, p. 285; Polanyi, Personal Knowledge, London, 1958, pp. 155-6.
[13] The principle of the conservation of energy
was stated by Helmholtz in 1847, and soon after by Clausius (1850) and
by Thomson, later Lord Kelvin, who also stated the second law of thermodynamics
(1851). (For extracts, see Magie, Source-Book in Physics, New York,
1935.) The essential equations are that which defines the energy change
in a closed system as D E = q-w,
where w is the work done by the system and q is the heat
absorbed; and that which defines the entropy change as dS
= d q/T, where T is the
absolute temperature, and the change must be carried out reversibly, as
explained in textbooks of thermodynamics.
[14] The quantitative measure of heat can be
stated in terms of work, and so can that of temperature; see, for example,
Zemansky, Heat and Thermodynamics, New York, 1943. Quantities of
work are related ultimately to centimetres, grams and seconds.
[15] Strictly speaking, the fundamental concepts
used in this field are (a) energy (translational, rotational, vibrational,
or electronic) and (b) the ‘number of complexions’ of a system, which is
related to its entropy. Both depend on the mass and the structure of the
molecule. Cf. R.C. Tolman, Principles of Statistical Mechanics,
Oxford, 1938; R.A. Fowler and E.A. Guggenheim, Statistical Thermodynamics,
Cambridge, 1939.
[16] Coulson, Valence.
[17] The history of the emergence of the idea
of correlation is too big a subject even to summarize here. The notion
becomes explicit in the thirteenth century (see Crombie, Robert Grosseteste
and the Origin of Experimental Science, Oxford, 1953).
[18] This is the classical way in which logicians
have dealt with the matter, from Grosseteste and Roger Bacon (Crombie,
through Francis Bacon’s Novum Organum and John Stuart Mill’s System
of Logic (1843) to Keynes’s Treatise on Probability (1920),
with its stress on increasing the negative analogy. The effect of diversifying
the circumstances is to show up any unexpected relevant factors.
[19] For an excellent statement of it, see W.C.
Kneale, Probability and Induction, Oxford, 1949, pts. 1 and 2.
[20] I owe this way of putting the problem to
I.M. Bochenski, O.P.
[21] Kneale, Probability and Induction,
pts. 3 and 4.
[22] Cf. M.C. D’Arcy, The Nature of
Belief, London, 1934.
[23] Cf. Brit. Jour. Phil. Sci.,
(1950), p. 196.
[24] P. Duhem, The Aim and Structure of Physical
Theory, trans. P.P. Wiener, Princeton, 1954, p. 19 (translation from
the second French edition, 1914).
[25] Mr. Kneale, in bringing out this point,
calls them "transcendent hypotheses" (Probability and Induction,
pp. 93 ff.).
[26] Cavendish, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc.,
(1784), p. 119; Alembic Club Reprints, no. 3 (1893); Leicester and Klickstein,
Book, pp. 152 and 153.
[27] Dalton, New System, pt. 2 (1810),
pp. 489-90 and 552. Whether chlorine or ‘muriatic acid’ (hydrogen chloride)
was an element was also in debate.
[28] K.R. Popper, "Three Views of Human Knowledge",
in Contemporary British Philosophy, ed. H.D. Lewis, London, 1956.
[29] P.W. Bridgman, The Logic of Modern Physics,
New York, 1927; The Nature of Physical Theory, New York, 1950; Brit.
Jour. Phil. Sci., 1 (1951) p. 258.
[30] H. Dingle, in Brit. Jour. Phil. Sci.,
(1950) p. 5.
[31] E.g., R.B. Braithwaite, Scientific
Explanation, Cambridge, 1953.
[32] N.R. Campbell, What Is Science?,
London, 1921, ch. 5.
[33] Coulson, Valence.
[34] Cf. S. Stebbing, A Modern Introduction
to Logic, London, 1933, p. 406.
[35] "Three Views of Human Knowledge". See G.
Buchdahl, in Brit. Jour. Phil. Sci., 10 (1959), p. 120.
[36] E.T. Whittaker, The Beginning and End
of the World (Riddell Lectures), Oxford, 1943.
[37] M. Hesse, in Brit. Jour. Phil. Sci.,
(1952), p. 287; 4 (1953), p. 198; Science and the Human Imagination,
London, 1954, ch. 8. Dr. Hesse suggests that the (rather different) scholastic
concept of analogy is also relevant here, in that mathematical structure
cannot be predicated univocally of natural phenomena.
[38] K.R. Popper, The Logic of Scientific
Discovery, London, 1959; J.O. Wisdom, Foundations of Inference in
Natural Science, London, 1952, ch. 6; see also note .
[39] The following argument is given more fully
in Brit. Jour. Phil. Sci., 10 (1959), p. 209.
[40] P. Alexander, "Theory-Construction and
Theory-Testing", in Brit. Jour. Phil. Sci., 9 (1958), p.
Copyright Ó
2002 by Hugh Caldin and Maurice Crosland